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Almeria unveil stadium’s new state-of-the-art LED floodlighting

356 latest-generation LED luminaires have been installed on the four corner turrets and on the stadium’s roof

The long-awaited debut of Almeria’s new Juegos Mediterraneos Stadium lights appeared to have an impact in the game against Real Oviedo. The investment of the club was around one million euros. Under the new lights, the stadium is expected to look as majestic and as imposing as some of Europe's finest grounds

The sports venue has 356 brand-new state-of-the-art LED projectors on all four turrets and on the Stadium's roof. The lighting at the ambitious 15,000 seat stadium –supplied by Spanish manufacturer Andled Energy– will not only comply with the new LaLiga broadcasting regulations but also the rules that govern UEFA. From now on, fixtures can be selected to broadcast in 4K. The lighting level will be just over 3,000 lux anywhere on the pitch. In addition, this new system creates light shows. Supporters and fans enjoyed their best lighting experience on last night’s game. 

Andled Energy, a Spanish engineering specialist in sports lighting, have been responsible for the development of the project and the manufacture of the spotlights, while Montajes Mecaval, which is a company based in Almeria, carried out the installation of the projectors.